Your Child’s Journey

Balancing and strengthening your child’s energy (Qi) may set them up for a lifetime of optimal health.

Children are not just micro adults, their bodies are immature and yet are developing quicker than at any other period in their lifetime. Their organ systems are very sensitive which often leads to sudden illness. However, this same sensitivity allows for quick recovery once balance has been restored.

Supporting Your Child’s Health Naturally

Children can benefit from natural medicine, which is safe, gentle and effective, from birth through adolescence. Holistic therapies for children are particularly welcome to parents concerned about the use of medications and antibiotics in maintaining their child’s health. At Vitalessence we can assist your child to recover from illness, as well as strengthening their immune system to maintain their health. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Kinesiology and Massage are all effective and gentle therapies for your child.

Get to the Point – Acupuncture Support for Your Baby

Acupuncture may be used very effectively and safely to maintain your baby’s health and wellbeing.

A baby’s health revolves around their digestive system. A baby’s digestive system is immature, which is why they can only take milk in their first few months. It is very important to nurture the strengthening of their digestive system so that they can successfully transition onto solid food when they are between 3-5 months old. Your baby’s first solid foods and their ongoing diet is critical to their continuing health. At your baby’s initial consultation, our TCM doctors discuss all aspects of diet which will enable your baby to thrive.

Acupuncture treatment for babies is quick and gentle. After taking a full case history and discussing the diagnosis, acupuncture will be performed on 1-3 acupuncture points. Unlike adults, the needles are not retained. One very small needle is inserted into the points and instantly removed; the whole process is over within approximately 3 seconds, with your baby usually remaining totally relaxed and happy throughout. Tuina massage may be performed in conjunction with acupuncture. Tuina is a massage specifically for babies and young children, consisting of gentle stroking, light pinching and tapping of specific acupuncture channels and points.

Both acupuncture and Tuina are holistic therapies which may be effective for a wide range of symptoms associated with common disorders and illnesses which your baby may experience, including but not limited to reflux, colic, constipation, ear infections, chronic phlegm and teething; relieving their pain and discomfort and restoring their health. Acupuncture and Tuina may also strengthen the immune system to prevent recurrent illness.

With regards to immunisation support; we recommend acupuncture the day before and the day after immunisation to balance your child’s Qi.

If in doubt as to whether we can assist with your child, for further information or to make an appointment, please contact our clinic directly or book online.

TCM Support for Your Toddler

As your child grows, TCM may be effective for many of the illnesses and disorders they may experience, as well as supporting their immune system.

Toddlers usually do not take well to needles, therefore, at Vitalessence our TCM doctors use needle-free techniques; Tuina and Shonishin involve gentle stroking, pinching, tapping and acupressure. This treatment is performed after taking a full case history, discussion of diagnosis and dietary advice. Tuina and Shonishin treatment takes approximately 20 mins. We make the session fun for the children, playing with them whilst we complete our treatment. They are usually relaxed and happy throughout. Sometimes we prescribe Chinese herbs which may be used safely and effectively for both acute and chronic childhood conditions.

TCM may assist with many symptoms associated with childhood disorders and illnesses. As a wholistic treatment approach based on the interaction and balance of the energy (qi), blood and emotions/spirit (Shen), TCM may be effective for all aspects your toddler’s health and wellbeing; please contact us for further information in how we can assist if your toddler is experiencing health issues such as recurrent colds/tonsillitis, bronchitis, chronic phlegm, digestive disorders, eczema, sleep disorders, glue ear or behavioural issues.

For further information or to make an appointment, please contact our clinic directly or book online.

TCM for Young Children

As your child grows, TCM may be effective for many of the illnesses and disorders they may experience, as well as supporting their immune system.

Toddlers usually do not take well to needles, therefore, at Vitalessence our TCM doctors use needle-free techniques; Tuina and Shonishin involve gentle stroking, pinching, tapping and acupressure. This treatment is performed after taking a full case history, discussion of diagnosis and dietary advice. Tuina and Shonishin treatment takes approximately 20 mins. We make the session fun for the children, playing with them whilst we complete our treatment. They are usually relaxed and happy throughout. Sometimes we prescribe Chinese herbs which may be used safely and effectively for both acute and chronic childhood conditions.

TCM may assist with many childhood disorders and illnesses; please contact us for further information as to how we can assist if your child is experiencing health issues such as common colds, asthma, bronchitis, chronic phlegm, eczema, psoriasis, alopecia (hair loss), digestive disorders, sleep disorders, glue ear, ADD/ADHD, cognitive/behavioural issues, anxiety, recurrent illness.

TCM For Teenagers

Adolescence is a challenging time, with your teenager navigating surging hormones, balancing school, sport and social commitments, as well as other experiences which will prepare them for adulthood. Throughout this time, teenagers may experience mood swings, anxiety, depression, acne, growth pains, shin splints and sports injuries. Study can be very stressful, resulting in muscle tension, headaches and insomnia. Adolescent girls also often struggle with menstrual irregularities such as strong period pain, migraines and pre-menstrual symptoms. Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and dietary advice may be of great assistance to minimise or resolve these issues. Of course, we can also continue to assist with symptoms associated with chronic disorders.

For further information or to make an appointment, please contact our clinic directly or book online.

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